INVESTING in a just, equitable, and abundant economic future for Hawaiʻi

ʻĀina Aloha Economy Fund

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The ʻĀina Aloha Economy Fund is Hawaiʻi’s first catalytic capital fund helping to shift the narrative of what is possible in how we invest in change for Hawaiʻi. The Fund integrates HIR’s program expertise and research with the work of ʻĀina Aloha Economic Futures, a unifying community-centered economic development framework co-created by Native Hawaiian community members. 

We need visionary leadership to transform Hawaiʻi, and the Fund is both a tool for scaling promising solutions and for demonstrating the potential for Native leadership to drive mainstream change. 

The Fund offers flexible, patient, and risk-tolerant debt capital to bridge the capital gap between grant (or startup funding) and commercial capital in order to provide a runway for systems entrepreneurs (Native-led and/or sustainable foodways-focused) to execute their strategies for a more just and regenerative island economy. To better support the success of these enterprises, the Fund will also provide ongoing technical assistance and help to navigate resources and other financial providers.

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